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Английский клуб

Английский клуб проводят наши друзья из США, Канады и Великобритании.
Живое общение с носителем языка - прекрасный способ совершенствовать свой английский в беседе и игре...

Hello! My name is Haris and I am an English teacher from Toronto, Canada. I have been teaching at Penati School for a month now, and it has been a really good experience so far. I teach 2 classes at Penati: an older class comprised of grades 8-9 and a younger class comprised of grades 5-6. My students at Penati have a very strong command of the English language, especially when compared to other schools around Moscow. They are smart, motivated, and enjoy participating in my classes. Our classes focus primarily on developing English speaking skills. As a result, my classes include debates on a wide range of topics, fun and active games, short presentations, and lots of conversation. Sometimes, the students can be a little naughty, but it’s because they are full of energy! I look forward to continue teaching at Penati and working with my students to help them reach their full potential.
Making English fun! I am Sara. I am from Konnecticut, USA. My English classes at Penati school are centered around fun and games for the students. With a primary focus on conversational english we play lots of fun games such as jeopardy, charades, and pictionary. These games encourage the students to speak English in a fun and nurturing environment. Although fun and exciting our English lessons and games also include learning important aspects of English such as grammar and vocabulary.

Учитывая специфику усвоения нового материала дошкольниками и школьниками, в своей работе преподаватели используют сквозную игровую методику. При этом они выстраивают свои уроки на мотивированной и целенаправленной коммуникации детей с преподавателем и друг с другом исключительно на английском языке. Преподаватели используют множество ситуативных, соревновательных, ритмо-музыкальных и художественных игр.
Для повышения интереса детей к занятиям и ускорения запоминания новой информации педагоги используют большое количество визуального и аудиального материала.


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